yeah. i'm feeling like i'm all alone all of a sudden. owh.. what should i do? it's not like i'm heart-broken or something.. it couldn't be. or maybe i've fallen for someone? no, no..that's ridiculous. what's on my mind are only study and my family, rite? yeah. i still have a long way to go and i must never let my family down. life is hard but i just can't bring myself to say it to my mom eversince my dad passed away about 2 years ago. there's no need to trouble my mom with any unnecessary problems..as i love her so much. mom, i'm sorry that i had to keep few things only to myself. i just down't want you to worry too much about me. all i want is for you to be happy and healthy. ;-)
being far away from home.. feeling all alone in a totally different country, race and society. . it's like i don't belong here. i guess it's normal to feel like this once in a while..